Admission requirements


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We understand that a player, being in a foreign country, without parents, and fully engaged in studies and training, should not feel disconnected from home.

Therefore, we offer accommodation in a full-fledged family environment with comfortable conditions necessary for the well-being of your young hockey player.

During your first visit to Martigny (Valais Canton, Switzerland), you will have the opportunity to meet a local host family (Billet) that accommodates players enrolled in the Academy.

A Billet family is a term used in hockey to denote families that open their homes, hearts, and kitchens to new players.

They provide a stable, caring family atmosphere that becomes a "home away from home" for our players, realizing their youth and student hockey dreams.

Players come to Martigny from all over the world to play for the HC Valais-Chablais Futur hockey academy, and we need families to help ease the transition to a new city and environment.

Billet families are the backbone of amateur hockey and are essential for the functioning of every team in the hockey world.

Families often form lifelong bonds with their players, many of whom make trips to see each other long after their time playing in Martigny has ended.

What Makes a Great Billet Family?

An open, understanding, and patient family. For a player, it can be overwhelming to be so far from home and their family for the first time in their life.

A thoughtful host family appreciates that each player is unique, and communication and understanding require effort. Billet families are those who share their home and family with the player on Billet, welcoming them as their own.

For many boys, this is their first experience working away from home. Just this experience alone is one of growth and learning... whether it's developing good communication skills, managing expenses, doing laundry, cooking, etc. A supportive living environment can help each become a responsible young person.